Cinder (Lunar Chronicles) #1 ~Marrissa Meyer, Review!


Characters:Linh Cinder,Prince Kaito,Queen Levana,Iko,Adri etc

Cinder is a futuristic Sci-Fi story set in New Beijing where Cyborgs exists and Lunars (the people who live on Moon) are almost at a brink of war with humans.The story is the retelling of the famous children’s tale, Cinderella, with shocking plottwists which will blow your mind away.

Okay so, Cinder is a cyborg in a much hated cyborg place in New Beijing.She’s a mechanic and lives with her cruel stepmother and two stepsisters, her life is by far, as ordinary as it can get, but when Prince Kaito, the sovereign of New Beijing brings his damaged cyborg Naisi to Cinder to repair it, its then her life changes.

So lets talk a bit about her surroundings first, There’s a deadly plague going around which, if anyone catches, will die, and there’s no cure to it, and on top of that, the Lunars’ ( the much hated,cruel race which lives on moon)  Queen is coming on earth with a shocking proposition, to marry Prince Kaito and become the princess (and the future queen) of New Beijing.Meanwhile Cinder’s life is shattered when its discovered that one of her stepsister falls fatally ill from the plague , and the suspicion goes on Cinder.

Cinder is pretty much sent as a sacrifice to Royal Laboratories, which specifically asked for Cyborg volunteers to find a cure for the deadly plague, from then, shocking discoveries are made about Cinder, and her dark past, and its revealed that Cinder by no means is a normal cyborg, she is far more special.

When Queen Levana comes to earth, and bring her cruel rule and magic to earth, with her proposition, no one knows why, yet her plans look far more sinister and dark.She claimed to get the magical cure for plague, but at what price?

When Cinder realizes the Lunars’ plans, she realizes that she has a far greater part to play in it,soon she is forced in a intergalactic war, in which she must chose sides, deal with betrayals, loyalties and forbidden love,and make her choice which could mean the life or death for the people on earth.

I’d like to add a personal note here: Cinder is a really strong female lead, she has no time for stupid stuff and most of all, doesnt want to make you shake her shoulders in disappointment.She is the heroin I look forward to read about in books, she’s like the perfect blend of everything, most of all, she deals with her ‘burdens’ very well.Also, there’s a lot going on in the book, its not like, one storyline, its like jumble of things thrown together, which spans over four books.I was frankly disappointed that she was not the lead in Scarlet (the second book) but she does appear, over all, this book deserves so much more recognition than it got.

don’t like, less romance, witty sarcastic characters and too much…going on? then nope, this series not for you! 


If you like swoon worthy characters, the perfect mix of betrayal,romance,and royalties plus inter-galactic wars, PICK THIS BOOK UP,LIKE NOW

(ps) the second book has bits of Cinder in them, Scarlet is a retold story of Red Riding Hood, so if you like consistent story leads, this book might disappoint you 

Rating-5 freakin’ stars


a tiny bit of look at Cinder and Kai’s relationship: 

“Kai cleared his throat. Stood straighter. “I assume you are going to the ball?”
“I-I don’t know. I mean, no. No, I’m sorry, I’m not going to the ball.”
Kai drew back, confused. “Oh well… but… maybe you would change your mind? Because I am, you know.”
“The prince.”
“Not bragging,” he said quickly. “Just a fact.” 

I love this book so much


About justanotheryablog

Hello Readers.. I love reading books and My aim is to review and Thank God for the awesome Authors, who give me ARCS and well, generally write books which makes the Blog possible. Authors if you want to send me a book, please see that its a YA Novel and first book of its series, Currently I am accepting ONLY ebooks ( If you want to know more,Here's my Goodread Page: ) Happy Reading!

Posted on June 5, 2014, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Its Marissa* Meyer, I’m sorry for the mistake!

Comeon! Don't be shy